Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Walking Dead Game Lee Doesn't Die

Gameover ent telltale the walking dead game lee everett dave fennoy theory on what would happen if lee was never bitten and died by walker zombie stay tuned new telltale twd on the way :) the. I just finished playing the walking dead. i got emotionally attached to lee who died. afterwards i literally cried which doesn't happen often. he seemed so realistic and beleivable like a real person. is there any possible way he can survive? everyone else in the game died besides herschell greene and glenn.. Lee everett is the playable protagonist in the first season of the walking dead video game series. tasked with protecting a girl named clementine in the midst of a zombie apocalypse , lee allies with several other characters and groups..

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The walking dead: episode 5 out of time. lee's bitten, his fate sealed. only clem can help lee. does she mercy kill him, and prevent him adding to the undead numbers, or leave lee and save herself. Whether lee cuts off his arm or not it doesn't work. he cut his arm off hours after he got bit and it takes roughly a minute or 2 for the infection to spread to the rest of the body. so cutting off lee's arm won't save him, he doesn't even die from blood loss as some people think. its the infection. kenny didn't get bit by any walkers.. Follow/fav walking but not dead yet by: aspect of unoriginal thought clementine has left lee to die instead of killing him before he turns, however lee has woken up alive many hours after she left him..

walking dead game lee doesn't die

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